Digimon World: Next Order (tl;dr review)

+ A huge variety of Digimon to breed
+ Decently sized map with different variety of environments 
+ ExE Digivolutions!!

-Extremely grind oriented
-Digimons die after a certain age
-Pretty hard to get specific digivolutions 
Graphics: 7/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Overall: 7/10
This is definitely a game made for Digimon fans, as I myself would’ve never even looked at such a game if not for my beloved Digimon, sure it has its moments, like the ExE evolutions I mentioned, but it is simply buried under too much tediousness to make this a game I’d replay. Definitely only get this game if you’re a Digimon fan, because it features over 200 Digimon.

Take a look at the full review here


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